Comparative Testi

Doğru şıkkı işaretleyiniz

İlk 4 soruyu aşağıdaki tabloya göre cevaplandırınız.
Albert       15 years old
Dustin         20 years old
Mike       32 years old
  1-Albert is _____ than Mike.

2-Mike is _____ than Dustin.

3-Dustin is ___ than Albert.

4-Mike is not ____ than Albert.

5-The television is ____ than the fridge. (new)

6-A lion is ____  than a mouse. (big)

7-Everest is ____ than the other mountains.

8-Antalya is ____ than Ankara. (hot)

9-My grades are ___ than yours. (bad)

10-Water is ____ than cola.