Elementary Seviyesi İngilizce Testi 12

İngilizce Elementary (başlangıç ) seviyesi testi 12

A 1 seviyesi İngilizce test

1. Would you like ……………………………..of this cookies?

2. Uğur has a sharp tool. Don’t let him injure ………………………..

3. “Do you read novels?” Yes, I read …………… novels every year.

4. What’s the matter with the kid? She’s ………………………..thirsty.

5. Jale can’t find her key ring. Is this pink one …………………………..?

6. She paid for a cake for …………………………. .

7. Have you seen this new film by Nolan? No, I haven’t ………………….. like to see it.

8. Is Özge’s new pullover blue? No, ……………………….is yellow. Merve’s is blue.

9. If the ambulance …………………………….. arrive soon, It’ll be too late.

10. He has three friends. That’s not too ……………………………. .