If Clause Type 1, Type 2, Type 3 Testi

Doğru şıkkı işaretleyiniz

1-If I was rich, I ____ a brand new car. (to buy)

2-You would have been successful, if you _____ harder. (to work)

3-If you hadn’t lied to me before, I _____ you. (to trust)

4-If you improve your English, you ____ films without subtitles. (to watch)

5-If I have enough money, I ______ to another city. (to move)

6-If I  ____ you, I wouldn’t go to the party. (to be)

7-Your pet will die, if you ____ it. (not to feed)

8-If you ride a bike without a helmet, you ____ yourself. (to hurt)

9-If the weather ____ good, we would go to the swimming pool. (to be)

10-If I hadn’t fallen from the tree, I _____ my arm. (not to broke)

10-If I hadn’t fallen from the tree, I _____ my arm. (not to broke)

If-CLAUSE TYPE – 0 İngilizce Genel Şart Cümleleri

If Clause ile Kullanabileceğimiz Zamanlar Type 1

If Clause ile Kullanabileceğimiz Zamanlar Type 2

If Clause ile Kullanabileceğimiz Zamanlar Type 3

If and Wish Clauses

If Clause Testleri

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