İngilizce who, which, whose or where cümle oluşturma alıştırması

İngilizce who, which, whose or where cümle oluşturma alıştırması

Aşağıdaki cümleleri Who,which,whose ve ya where kullanarak doldurunuz.

3. Put the extra information in brackets ( ) into the sentences by using who, which, whose
or where.

1. The dancers are very popular. (they come from Thailand)



2. The new President gave a speech. (his wife is a ballet dancer)



3. My friend visited me. (she is a world champion snowboarder)



4. The team won first prize. (they all come from Liverpool)



5. The new machine arrived at the factory. (it cost half a million pounds)



6. The calendar cost five pounds. (it has 52 pictures of Britain)



7. The manager raised everyone’s salary. (her grandfather started the company)



8. The first man on the moon was American. (his name was Neil Armstrong)



9. Leeds Castle is in Kent. (Henry VIII lived there)



10. Chicago is on the Great Lakes. (it has a large Chinese community)



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İngilizce who, which, whose or where