School Subjects – İngilizce Okul Dersleri Quiz

School Subjects – İngilizce Okul Dersleri Quiz

  1. Ferro: …………………………………..?
Enzo: My favorite lesson is French

  1. Trishia: …………………………………………?
Oliver: Because I love numbers

  1. Simon: ……………………………………?
Ellie: Because I like doing experiments

  1. I love doing exercises and gymnastics. My favorite lesson is ……………………..

  1. I love learning foreign languages. My favorite lesson is ………………………
Yukarıdaki boşluk aşağıdakilerden hangisi ile tamamlanamaz?

  1. He loves learning about mountains, rivers, lakes, oceans and everything around the world. His favorite lesson is ……………………

  1. We learn using computer in …………………. lesson

  1. Kate: …………………………………..?
Julia: It’s on Tuesday

  1. Ray: ………………………………..?
Joe: We have Maths, Science and English on Wednesday

  1. We learn about religions in …………………….lesson