İngilizce Simple Present Tense Alıştırması

İngilizce Simple Present Tense alıştırması

Aşağıdaki kelimeleri kullanarak İngilizce cümleleri doldurunuz. Simple Present Tense kullanınız.

  1. Complete the sentences with expressions below. Use the simple present tense.

be acquainted-be broken-be composed-be crowded-be disappointed


be exhausted-be located-be lost-be made-be qualified


be related-be satisfied-be scared-be spoiled


Dennis isn’t doing well in school this semester. He _____________________ about his grades.


My shin _____________________ of cotton.


I live in a one-room apartment with four other people. Our apartment ____________________.


Vietnam _____________________ in Southeast Asia.


I’m going to go straight to bed tonight. It’s been a hard day. I _____________________.


I _____________________ to Jessica Adams. She’s my cousin.


Excuse me, sir, but I think I _____________________. Could you please tell me how to get to the bus station from here?


My tape recorder doesn’t work. It _____________________.


We leave a light on in our son’s bedroom at night because he _____________________ of the dark.


Alice thinks her boss should pay her more money. She _____________________ not _____________________ with her present salary.


The children _____________________. I had promised to take them to the beach today, but now we can’t go because it’s raining.


___________ you _____________________ with Mrs. Novinsky? Have you ever met her?


According to the job description, an applicant must have a Master’s degree and at least five years of teaching experience. Unfortunately, I __________. not

_____________________ for that job.


This milk doesn’t taste right. I think it _____________________ I’m not going to drink it.


Water _____________________ of hydrogen and oxygen.