Tüm Zamanlar Kısa ve Uzun Soru Şekilleri

Short and long question forms of all tenses

(Short and long answers to Yes/No Questions for all tenses)

İngilizce’de Yes/No sorusu, Yes veya No ile cevap verilebilecek sorulardır.


Are you hungry? (Aç mısın?) Yes. /No.

Bu tür sorular yardımcı fiil (is, are, were, have, can, do vb.) cümle başında özneden önce getirilerek yapılır. Bu tür sorulara tam gramere uygun kısa cevap


Yes, zamir (I, you, we, they, he, she, it) + yardımcı fiil (is, are, were, have, can, do vb)

No, zamir (I, you, we, they, he, she, it) + yardımcı fiil (is, are, were, have, can, do vb) + n’t


Are you from Brasil?

Yes, I am.

Yes, I’m from Brasil.

No, I’m not.

No, I’m not from Brasil.

Is your father still angry with you?

Yes, he is.

Yes, he is still angry with me.

No, he isn’t.

No, he isn’t still angry with me.

Am I right?

Yes, you are.

Yes, you are right.

No, you aren’t.

No, you aren’t right.

Have got/has got

 Have you got a car?

Yes, I have.

Yes, I have got a car.

No, I haven’t.

No, I haven’t got a car.

Has your father got a good job?

Yes, he has.

Yes, he has got a good job.


No, he hasn’t.

No, he hasn’t got a good job.


Do you keep a pet at home?

Yes, I do.

Yes, I keep a pet at home.


No, I don’t.

Yes, I don’t keep a pet at home.


Does your sister work at weekends?

Yes, she does.

Yes, she works at weekends.


No, she doesn’t.

No, she doesn’t work at weekends.


Does Murat live in london?

Yes, he does.

Yes, he lives in London.


No, he doesn’t.

No, he doesn’t live in London.


Do people grow vegetables in your city?


Yes, they do.

Yes, they grow vegetables in my city.


No, they don’t.

Yes, they don’t grow vegetables in my city.


Present continuous

Are you working today?

Yes, I am.

Yes, I’m working today.

No, I’m not.

No, I’m not working today.

Is Jenny sleeping at the moment?

Yes, she is.

Yes, she is sleeping at the moment.

No, she isn’t.

No, she isn’t sleeping at the moment.


Are the children playing in the garden?

Yes, they are.

Yes, they are playing in the garden.


No, they aren’t.

No, they aren’t playing in the garden.


 Past simple of to be (was, were)

Were you at home yesterday?

Yes, I was.

Yes, I was at home yesterday.


No, I wasn’t.

No, I wasn’t at home yesterday.


Was it cold last night?

Yes, it was.

Yes, it was cold last night.


No, it wasn’t.

No, it wasn’t cold last night


 Past simple (Did)

Did you see the doctor yesterday?

Yes, I did.

Yes, I saw the doctor yesterday.


No, I didn’t.

No, I didn’t see the doctor yesterday.


Did the students visit the teacher last week?

Yes, they did.

Yes, they visited the teacher last week.


No, they didn’t.

No, they didn’t visit the teacher last week.


 Past continuous (was/were)


Were you studying when I called you last night?

Yes, I was.

Yes, I was studying when you called me last night.

No, I wasn’t.

No, I wasn’t studying when you called me last night.


Was Jill helping her mother?

Yes, she was.

Yes, she was helping her mother.


No, she wasn’t.

No, she wasn’t helping her mother.


Present perfect simple (have/has + V3)

Have you ever been to Paris?

Yes, I have.

Yes, I have been to Paris.


No, I haven’t.

No, I haven’t been to Paris.


Has she finished the report?

Yes, she has.

Yes, she has finished the report.


No, she hasn’t.

No, she hasn’t finished the report.


Present perfect continuous (have/has + been + V-ing)

Have you been working hard lately?

Yes, I have.

Yes, I have been working hard lately.

No, I haven’t.

No, I haven’t been working hard lately.


Has Ali been living here long?

Yes, he has.

Yes, he has been living here long.

No, he hasn’t.

No, he hasn’t been living here long.


Past perfect (had)


Had you completed the report by yesterday evening?

Yes, I had.

Yes, I had completed the report by yesterday evening.

No, I hadn’t.

No, I hadn’t completed the report by yesterday evening.


Had they eaten everything by the time you arrived?

Yes, they had.

Yes, they had eaten everything by the time we arrived.

No, they hadn’t.

No, they hadn’t eaten everything by the time we arrived.


 Future simple tense (will)


Will you be here tomorrow?

Yes, I will.

Yes, I will be here tomorrow.

No, I won’t.

No, I won’t be here tomorrow.


Will your father lend you any money?

Yes, he will.

Yes, he will lend me some money.

No, he won’t.

No, he won’t lend me any money.


Will it rain tomorrow?

Yes, it will.

Yes, it will rain tomorrow.

No, it won’t.

No, it won’t rain tomorrow.


 Future continuous (will)


Will you be waiting for me tomorrow?

Yes, I will.

Yes, I will be waiting for you tomorrow.


No, I won’t.

No, I won’t be waiting for you tomorrow.


Will people be living in the villages in the future?

Yes, they will.

Yes, they will be living in the villages in the future.


No, they won’t.

No, they won’t be living in the villages in the future.


Future perfect tenses (will have V3)


Will you have finished the report by tomorrow morning?

Yes, I will.

Yes, I will have finished the report by tomorrow morning.

No, I won’t.

No, I won’t have finished the report by tomorrow morning.


Future perfect continuous (will + have been + V-ing)


Will they have been working a long time by the time they get retired?

Yes, they will.

Yes, they will have been working a long time by the time they get retired.


No, they won’t.

No, they won’t have been working a long time by the time they get retired.


 Modals (can, will, should, would, etc.)

Can you swim very well?

Yes, I can.

Yes, I can swim very well.


No, I can’t.

No, I can’t swim very well.


Should we do sport regularly every day?

Yes, you should.

Yes, you should do sport regularly every day.


No, you shouldn’t.

No, you shouldn’t do sport regularly every day.


Would you like something to eat?

Yes, I would.

Yes, I would like something to eat.


No, I wouldn’t.

No, I wouldn’t like anything to eat.


 Karışık tenses örnekler:

Are you waiting for the bus?

Yes, I am.

Yes, I am waiting for the bus.

No, I’m not.

No, I’m not waiting for the bus.


Do they speak English in the company?

Yes, they do.

Yes, they speak English in the company.


No, they don’t.

No, they don’t speak English in the company.

Did Piri Reis discover America?

Yes, he did.

Yes, he discovered America.


No, he didn’t.

No, he didn’t discover America.


Have you seen this film?

Yes, I have.

Yes, I have seen this film.


No, I haven’t.

No, I haven’t seen this film.



Are the children going to watch TV this evening?

Yes, they are.

Yes, they are going to watch TV this evening.

No, they aren’t.

No, they aren’t going to watch TV this evening.


Will your father go to the party?

Yes, he will.

Yes, he will go to the party.


No, he won’t.

No, he won’t go to the party.


Can elephants run fast?

Yes, they can.

Yes, they can run fast.


No, they can’t.

No, they can’t run fast.


Would you like a hamburger?

Yes, I would.

Yes, I would like a hamburger.


No, I wouldn’t.

No, I wouldn’t like a hamburger.


Does it rain a lot in the winter?

Yes, it does.

Yes, it rains a lot in the winter.


No, it doesn’t.

No, it doesn’t rain a lot in the winter.


Should they have studied hard?

Yes, they should.

Yes, they should have studied hard.


No, they shouldn’t.

No, they shouldn’t have studied hard.



Kısa cevaplarla ilgili dikkat edilmesi gerekenler:

  1. a) Olumlu kısa cevaplarda kısaltma olmaz, çünkü son kelime vurgulanır.


Yes, I am. (Yes, I’m. değil)

Yes, he will. (Yes, he’ll. Değil.)

Yes, we would. (Yes, we’d. değil)

Yes, she had. (Yes, she’d. değil)


  1. b) Normal olarak kısa cevap verirken sorudaki yardımcı fiil ile cevap verilir.


Are you hungry?

Yes, I am. (Yes, I can. Değil.)

Do you read a book?

No, I don’t. (No, I’m not. Değil)

Have they cleaned the kitchen?

Yes, they have. (Yes, they do. Değil)


  1. c) Bazı istisna durumlarda sorudaki yardımcı fiil kullanılmayabilir.


Could I go now? (Şimdi gidebilir miyim?)

Yes, you can. (Bu cümlede can kullanıldı çünkü izin verirken could kullanılmaz)


Must I buy a ticket? (Bilet almalı mıyım?)

No, you mustn’t. (Hayır almamalısın- yasaklama anlamı var)

No, you needn’t. (Hayır almana gerek yok.)