İngilizce 6 – 8 Üniteler Teog Denemesi

Aşağıdaki 6 – 8 Üniteler Teog deneme sorularına doğru cevap veriniz.

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1.Zack: I tried sky diving yesterday. Mary: Really? ___________? Zack: It was fantastic.

2.Julia: You look sad. What happened? Robert: My uncle had an accident and broke his leg yesterday. Julia: I’m sorry to hear that ___________.

3.Amy: What are the most important ________ of London? Nate: Big Ben, the London Eye, the Bucking Palace and the Bridge Tower.

4. Raise your hand _________ speaking!

5.I went to Paris last year. It was the most exciting vacation I’ve ever had. I stayed in a bed and breakfast hotel and the weather was warm and sunny.
  • Yukarıdaki paragrafta aşağıdaki sorulardanhangisinin cevabı yoktur?

6.As a family, we must share the _________, and we must respect each other

7.Reporter:So,as an adrenalin seeker ,can you tell us a bit more about BASE jumping? Robert:Alright! One of the most popular extreme sports is BASE jumping. BASE …………………………. BUILDING, ANTENNA, SPAN and EARTH.

8.I would rather go motor racing ………  parkour running because it is easier to do .

9.Philip: - - - - ?     Murat: Chilly and damp.

10.Sinan: What kind of touristic places would you like to see? Oktay: I would rather historic sites because .......

11. Leonard: I tried a new activity yesterday. It is called parkour running.      Penny: __________________________________?      Leonard: The aim is to get one place to another as fast as possible.

12.Amy: I'm going to try bungee jumping tomorrow.Whold you like to come?      Sheldon:_______. I like safe sports like cycling.

13. Monica: You need a helmet, ankle protection and a first aid kit to do extreme sports.      Chandler: _____________________________?      Monica :Yes,thats right.

14. Which one is not another name of the extreme sports?

15.EMMA: …………………..To me,it is more exciting and entertaining than the modern ones.

Anlam akışını bozan cümle aşağıdakilerden hangisidir ?   I- The Great Pyramid was the tallest historical man made structure in the world. II- It’s 146,5 meters. III- Today, it’s the icon for London. IV- Egyptian workers built it as a tomb for pharaoh.

17.Nina: …………………………………………. ?       Diana: The mixture of Persian, Turkish and Indian architecture

18.…………?.............            Mountain biking               Tracking               Photo safari            Offroad racing  
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19.      I never _____________ the meals at home. I always eat out

20.I love bungee jumping because to me it is _____